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Here are some reasons why underlay is so important for your laminate flooring.

While it's true that the decorative layer is important, it's equally important to pay attention to the underlay that goes beneath the flooring.

Moisture Protection

Underlay provides a barrier between your laminate flooring and the subfloor, which helps to protect against moisture damage. Moisture can seep up from the subfloor, causing your laminate flooring to warp, buckle, or bubble. A good quality underlay will incorporate a moisture-resistant layer which will help to prevent this type of damage. The core of most laminate products is susceptible to moisture damage both from beneath and above when there is significant exposure.

Sound Insulation

Laminate flooring can be quite noisy, especially in high-traffic areas and with certain types of footwear. Underlay helps to absorb sound and reduce noise levels, making your flooring quieter and more pleasant to walk on. This is particularly important if you live in an apartment or have neighbors below you who may be disturbed by noise.

Improved Comfort

Underlay can also improve the comfort of your flooring by providing a cushioning effect. This is particularly important if you're installing laminate in a room where you spend a lot of time standing, such as a kitchen or home office. A good quality underlay will help to reduce the strain on your feet and legs, making the flooring more comfortable to walk on. It’s important that the underlay if sufficiently firm to prevent excess ‘bounce’ because this can weaken joints and produce squeaking noises.


If your subfloor is uneven, underlay can help to level it out and provide a more stable base for your laminate flooring. This is important because laminate needs to be installed on a smooth, level surface in order to prevent damage and ensure a long lifespan. It’s important to consider the manufacturer’s instructions and the relevant British Standard when judging whether imperfections in a floor can be solved with underlay alone.

Thermal Insulation

Finally, underlay can provide thermal insulation, which helps to keep your home warm and energy-efficient. A good quality underlay will help to trap heat, reducing heat loss through the floor and keeping your home warmer and more comfortable during the winter months. Specialist underlays should be used when underfloor heating is present.

In conclusion, underlay is an essential component of your laminate flooring installation. It can moisture protection, sound insulation, improved comfort, leveling, and thermal insulation – all of which help to ensure the longevity and durability of your flooring. When choosing an underlay, make sure to select a high-quality product that's appropriate for your subfloor and the type of laminate flooring you're installing.


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